Financial Wellbeing

Mental health and financial safety are strongly linked. After the holiday season people may experience financial strain and want to make 2023 a savings year. Most of us have the desire to save money. However you may find yourself struggling to reach your savings goal if you don’t implement good financial habits. Being mindful of your spending can help you save money, regardless of your living expenses or income. You may also find it helpful to start off by saving a small amount each week, as this will help build your confidence and your amount saved will increase over time. Here are some tips to help you along your savings journey:

Set up a savings account

It can be beneficial to open a savings account so that you can transfer money into each pay. Your bank may even have the option to set up automatic transfers. You can either transfer a fixed amount or a percentage of what you earn into this bank account. It’s important to make sure you’re regularly transferring money into this account, as this will help you reach your savings goal.

Create a savings goal

Creating a savings goal will help motivate you in your saving journey. Start by creating a main goal of what you would like to save for and allocate a dollar figure. Then create a smaller goal on how much you would like to save each week or month. Keep this goal in mind if you’re cutting back on certain expenses or transferring money into your savings account.

Review your expenses

Understanding where you’re spending your finances can help you create a budget for your outgoing expenses and help you implement a savings plan. Reviewing your expenses can also enable you to make small adjustments to your spending, such as buying less take away food or discontinuing a subscription service that you no longer use.

Be mindful of your spending

Being mindful of your purchases can help limit your spending on non-essential items. A good way to do this is to consider how useful the item will be and whether you already own something similar to it. You may also want to think about the item for a few days before purchasing it. If you’re buying an expensive item, consider the long term value of the item and do some research to ensure you’re purchasing it at a good price.

Goal setting

Goal setting is the process of setting objectives and aiming to complete them, however just the

act of writing down goals doesn’t necessarily mean making them happen.

Goals can range from professional, personal or even health goals, and can be stepping stones

to a happier and more fulfilled life, however the way we set and plan for them can make a

difference in achieving them.

A SMART tool is a well established tool to help you set goals and achieve them.

SMART acronym stands for:

S - Specific - It is the What, Why, Who, Where, Which.

● What do I want to accomplish?

● Why is this goal important?

● Who is involved?

● Where is it located?

● Which resources or limits are involved?

M- Measurable - This is how we measure our progress and success. This will keep you

motivated and with your eyes set on achieving the goal, with small or big successes on the way.

A - Achievable - Your goal needs to be attainable and realistic. It should motivate you as you

draw closer to success. If you need to acquire new skills or habits it is here where you ask

yourself the steps necessary to move forward.

R - Relevant - Is the goal relevant to your ability, skills, time and resources? Questions like

these should be answered:

● Does this seem worthwhile?

● Is this the right time?

● Does this match our other efforts/needs?

● Am I the right person to reach this goal?

T - Time - Every goal needs a deadline. Ask yourself:

● When?

● What can I do six months from now?

● What can I do six weeks from now?

● What can I do today?

There are many other ways to make goals a reality; telling someone about our goals helps

increase the chance of sticking to them. Also, breaking down the goal into small attainable

pieces, will increase our chances of success and we must not forget to celebrate small victories

can keep us motivated and on track.

How To Choose Healthy Snacks

We all get the munches! Sometimes diving in to pantry and seeing the snacks packaged with all the right colours and food marketing, which is designed to make you want it, is not a good idea. I am not just referring to how fattening the choice of snack is, but more so how it will effect your energy. A snack is something small you eat between meals to keep your energy levels up. You want to be choosing snacks to give you the best natural energy lift to increase your productivity.

Ideally starting your day with a nutritious breakfast is always recommended. Eggs, healthy smoothies, granola, oats, foods high in protein, etc. Start your day strong and your energy will be more sustained. Generic cereals and toast, are not only loaded with processed sugars and artificial colours/ preservatives, etc, they do not give much energy. The body is hungry for nutrition and needs the vital nutrients to function. If you consume, more processed foods your body will be hungry not long after searching for those vital nutrients.

My go to snack is definitely a banana. The beauty with banana’s is that they are so versatile. Is usually always pack a banana in my bag. They are nutritious and a great source of energy. A perfect pick me up. You want to choose snacks to help keep you productive. The worst thing is binging on junk and having the 3pm slump. If you consume too much sugars and processed food, high in carbohydrates you will most likely feel sluggish and find it hard to concentrate. Fuel the body and brain with nutrition and your productivity will increase.

Nuts ands seeds are great! Get a zip lock bag and fill with your favourite nuts and seeds or buy a natural trail mix. Great fuel for the brain. Be mindful if you have dried fruit in the mix. Sure in moderation, but don’t forget dried fruits contain a lot of sugar. Natural sugar yes, but if you consume enough you will still raise your blood sugar levels to an unhealthy level.

Boiled eggs are also great. Containing 98% protein they are great for brain function. My other favourite is berries. Who doesn’t love berries? Full of antioxidants and vitamins, they are the perfect touch to add that little sweetness to your day. In moderation of course! All snacking should be in moderation.

Try to avoid the mindless snacking. You will tend to consume more then needed. Be mindful with your eating. Stop, stretch and have a snack. Everyone is different and has different snacking requirements. Some people don’t snack and are happy to eat just the 3 or less meals a day. And the on other side there are the grazers, who need to eat regularly to keep energy levels up. If you are a grazer, consider splitting your meals to six smaller meals a day. There is no rule on how often or when to eat. Listen to your body and be intuitive. For millions of years we have lived innately and eaten what is needed. It is only since the western world has created convenience and highly processed foods that we have these addictions. Eat as natural as possible and be guilt free. Plan your meals and snack and see what works best for you.

With the beauty of the internet, there is an abundance of healthy recipes out there. There is also plenty of healthier options at the supermarkets more now then ever. Healthy snacks are trending, just be aware of the big price tags. Keep it simple, or buy those fancy fa-fa beans. Do what makes you happy.

Predicted Wellness Trends in 2021

What a whirlwind of a year 2020 has been. I am sure I do not need to explain why.

I think in 2021 we will see a shift in the health trends compared to what may have been if it wasn’t for a global pandemic. Below I have listed some wellness trends that are being discussed, which I think we may be seeing more of in the coming year.

#1 - Mental Health Becomes a Global Priority!

Covid-19 has effected the whole world in some way or another. In the near future, I think we can all admit this will not disappear overnight. So what has this pandemic done for our mental states? Isolation, an increase in unemployment, and decreased productivity just to mention a few problems. Our world has been flipped from under us without any preparation! The prediction is, is that no longer will mental health and talking about our mental state be seen as weak or taboo! Already workplaces are already investing more in mental wellness and making sure mental wellness is no longer a “nice” luxury to offer their employees, but a need and a priority. It has often been seen as weak and vulnerable to talk about depression and mental illness. I think things are changing, they have to change and 2021 is the year for it!

#2 - Strengthening Immune Systems

One positive from this global pandemic, I believe, has been the increase in awareness of health and cleaning procedures. More and more people are aware of health and the effects of poor hygiene and health neglect leading to weakened immune systems and illnesses. Experts believe there will be an increase in interest in health, especially gut health and immunity building. With more people staying home, cooking more and looking after their families with the fear of getting sick, we will see an increase in “protection” from the virus. An exciting trend to be part of.

#3 - Home Wellness

With many in isolation still across the globe, we are seeing more and more online workouts, home gyms, home gym makeovers and on demand fitness from the comfort of home. From aesthetic gym props, such as on trend pastel coloured dumbbells, aesthetically pleasing yoga matts and new home gym equipment from super techy and expensive to the basic more affordable gym props. Anything to keep motivation high while working out from home. These little luxuries aren’t necessarily a physical need, technically anyone can do a full body workout with no equipment at all. But these gadgets and toys increase motivation and make it “nice”. We all sometimes need that “nice” whatever your nice is to increase motivation and psychologically it is just a novelty, but it matters. If those pastel pink dumbbells or that fitness app is what you need to get moving, then why not? Even I look for motivation and will use our own Complete Corporate Wellness on demand fitness app and chose a random class to enjoy. Someone else has come up with a workout I can enjoy and add variety to my fitness regime.

#4 - Going Back To Basics

On another positive note, we are home more. Those with a houseful are spending more family time together. Back to basics, spending time enjoying the little things. Home time, nature, doing less, doing what makes us feel good. 2021 is not looking too bad!

#5 - Intuitive Eating

It is a prediction and one of my favourite concepts. Intuitive Eating! Less about the strict dies, less stress, removing the stigma of shameful eating and relaxing when it comes to food. Innately we are born to know eat what we need. The Western fast food, highly processed foods have come along and created food addictions. Obesity in on the increase every year. Many during lockdown have increased junk food binges and stress eating, but on the other side there has been seen to be an increase in health and home cooking. An emphasis on keeping family healthy is on the rise. That is a good thing! Being a little more relaxed when it comes to dieting and doing what works, what makes you feel good, which will ultimately make life more enjoyable.

I love the thought of these 2021 trends. All quite positive after a quite negative and unpredictable year. Let’s see where 2021 will take us, but I think the research speaks for itself. Better health will be trending!


Debra Villar
Pilates Vs Yoga

What is the difference between Pilates and Yoga? There is a common confusion between what the difference is. Pilates and yoga are both really popular forms of exercise. Most people have done at least one of the two, but often can’t differentiate between the two. I personally am an instructor for both Pilates and Yoga, so let’s clarify a few things.

Pilates originated during WW2 by a German man called Joseph Pilates. Joseph called his method “contrology” and is based on six key principles. Concentration, control, centre, flow, precision, and breathing. He used his method to help rehabilitate soldiers during the war.

Today Pilates is a popular form of exercise and is usually either based on a mat or a reformer machine using the same six principles. Pilates is all about control and strength training often with props. The benefits speak for themselves. Build strength and tone your body with Pilates principles.

Yoga on the hand, is more of a mindful, spiritual practice. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. In the western world we have made the practice of Hatha and Vinyasa the most popular forms of yoga. Using a combination of asanas (poses), is an overall form of fitness, ranging from a relaxation practice to a more physical practice.

The ultimate goal achieved in yoga is mental awareness and being present. Gaining flexibility, improved balance, increased strength and mental awareness are just some of the many benefits of yoga.

This is just a brief explanation, I could go on for days! There are many differences between Pilates and Yoga. I feel like the main similarity is that you can use a yoga mat in both practices, but apart from that, they are very different forms of exercise. The confusion is out there from the many classes that combine the two. “Yogalates”. I personally am not a fan of joining the two, however you will see benefits in either Pilates or Yoga.

Try them both and try different types from different places. there is so much out there you could possibly never do the exact same class twice!

How To Stay Healthy during the Silly Season

Christmas is fast approaching, can you believe it?

So how do we stay health during this silly season? Due to Covid-19 many have been in isolation for months. So what is usually just a few days, weeks of indulging over the Christmas break, some have had months of “out of the norm” routine of limited exercise and more comfort food. How can we feel guilt free this season with the added Covid laziness?

My top 5 tips to stay healthy this silly season!

1- Do not deprive yourself!

Health is not just about what you put in your mouth. Sharing some comfort food with the ones you loved is more important then feeling guilty and creating a negative impact to your emotional health. If you do eat something that is not particularly healthy, DO NOT feel guilty about it! Accept and move on. Tomorrow is a new day and the happy memories you create are more important.

2- Get moving!

I am not meaning the gym! For those who are lucky enough to have some time off over Christmas, what better way to spend some time getting active with your family. Go on a hike, enjoy nature and get outside (obviously while keeping Covid safe!). Sunshine and nature are so important for your health. In Australia it is summer during Christmas, enjoy the warmer, longer days! Take the kids to the park, beach or even just have in your own backyard.

3 - Make healthy swaps!
These days there are tons of healthy recipe options you can find online. Add more vegetables to your plate, switch the deep fried for grilled, make your own sauce, or find a healthy cocktail recipe and make yourself. There is always a healthier option.

4 - Add more water!

Drink more water. Not only during the warmer days is it important to drink more water, but if you are drinking more alcohol than normal or indulging in more sugary foods, water will help your body metabolise faster. Hydration is key!

5 - It’s ok to say no!

Lastly, feel happy and confident in your decisions. We are often peer pressured to eat more, or drink more, but stay strong in your decisions. Surround yourself with good company and loved ones, enjoy and if you know that, that extra piece of cake offered by a relative will make you feel bad, don’t say yes. Do what will make you happiest and be ok with your decisions. Be that positive role model and enjoy your holidays.

Debra Villar
World Diabetes Day - Nov 14th

Diabetes is a major health problem in Australia! 280 Australians develop diabetes everyday. Thats over 2.1 million diagnosed people living with diabetes in 2020. Diabetes is also the fasted growing illness in Australia.

But what is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1: is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system is activated to destroy the cells in the pancreas which produce insulin.

  • Not preventable or curable

  • Often born with the disease or develops in childhood

  • Represents only 10percent of all diabetes cases in Australia

  • It has nothing to do with lifestyle

  • More likely genetic related

  • It is managed with insulin injections

Type 2: Is a progressive condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and can gradually lose the capacity to produce enough insulin.

  • Lifestyle related

  • Can be more at risk with a family history of diabetes

  • People are at higher risk if they are: overweight, over 55, have high blood pressure, smokers

  • Has experienced gestational diabetes while pregnant

There is currently no cure for type 1 or type 2 so what can we do? Education and awareness are the most powerful keys. Knowing the symptoms to be able to prevent diabetes (type 2), but also potentially saving a life by knowing the signs and symptoms in those around you.

I think the most important thing we need to do is spread wellness. Live a healthy lifestyle, be a role model and encourage those around you to also live a healthy lifestyle. Eat fresh and healthy, move regularly and practice being present.


Move for Movember!

It is November, and what better time to show support our brothers, fathers, sons, uncles and all our men than by taking part in this great cause MOVEMBER!

Men’s health is in crisis. Men are dying on average 6 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons.

Unchecked, prostate cancer rates will double over the next 15 years. Globally, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 15-39 years of age. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75% of all suicides. (

Each day 6 men take their own lives just in Australia alone! What is worse, is that during this pandemic, unemployment is on the rise and figures show that unemployed men are 4.6 times more likely to commit suicide if unemployed.

How can we support our men? Talk! That is the one of the biggest problems men face. Men are less likely to reach out for help then women. Men are also less likely to see a Dr!

According to ( the top 5 things all men should know and do are:

1 - Spend time with people who make you feel good

2- Talk more!

3- Know the numbers. Know when to talk to your Dr about booking in for a health check.

4-  Know thy nuts. Simple.

5- MOVE! This November let’s commit to 60km at you won pace. That is for 60 men who lose their life to suicide every hour across the world!

So this November, let’s MOVE and commit to 60kms!

Debra Villar
How To Connect, Engage & Thrive in 2021

With 2021 approaching fast has your work place implemented a wellness plan for next year?

Having Covid-19 the centre of our discussions and causing havoc to our universe this year it is now even more important to prioritise wellness in the workplace. Mental illness is on the rise and so physical inactivity, from increased hours spent indoors. Not to mention lack of motivation, just to name a couple of issues.

Now is the time to inspire and motivate. Get out of the rut, connect, engage and thrive. It is looking like in 2021 we will see an increase in hybrid work methods. Home and office based work life balances will be the “norm” for many. This will also open up many opportunities for wellness programs in workplaces. Adjusting to the current conditions has enabled online learning and online services. With a hybrid workplace the wellness initiatives can now be a combination on online and onsite giving staff more opportunities to be connected to their workplace wellness journey.

Research shows that employees will experience higher levels of engagement when they commence the workday after a significant period of recovery. This means that employees start their day feeling energised and with the capacity to cope with the day-to-day challenges of their work. Other organisational resources provided throughout the workday will also assist. Encouraging employees to take plenty of breaks throughout the day, to regularly step-out for fresh air and natural light, and to engage in activities to ‘switch off’ and transition from the workday to their personal life activities, will help in aiding recovery and increasing energy.

Humans are social creatures. We work best in teams and from an evolutionary perspective we thrive in packs. “Social distancing” rules during covid may be the opposite of what human beings need in a time of crisis. Now is more important then ever to connect and be engaged with your peers. Being present and communicating the needs of individuals. Showing more empathy and accommodating. Wellness programs in the workplace will be more valuable and employees will begin to look at the initiatives as a need rather then a luxury.

This 2021 let’s bring wellness into the workplace and offer valuable tools to improve motivation, productivity and inspiration. How could an employee be not inspired and productive if their week looked like this: a meditation session on Monday, an ergonomics workshop on Tuesday, a healthy cooking demo on the Wednesday, a mental wellness lunch and learn on Thursday and a Yoga class on Friday?

Get connected! Find out the needs. Engage and empathise, show you care and invest in health and we will be in for a productive 2021!

Join us on Wednesday November 11th at 2pm (EST). Lets’s discuss how you can connect, engage and thrive!

Register for the free webinar today: Connect Engage Thrive

Debra Villar