
Do Hormones Also Affect Men?

24th NOVEMBER 11am

Hormonal health is generally considered a feminine topic. However, hormones are just as important for men as they are for women. Healthy testosterone levels in men promote healthy body composition, and improves mood, stress resistance and motivation.

Christmas Mocktails

13th DECEMBER 11am

Why make Mocktails when you can make Superfood Mocktails?! Join us for a superfood mocktail session.

Enjoy this quick and easy mocktail all summer long.

Reboot Your Health

17th JANUARY 11am

New year, it is time to reboot your health. 15 minutes of life changing hacks to help 2023 be a fulfilling and healthy year.

Take some timeout to rebook and reset as the New Year kicks off.

World Mental Health Day

10th OCTOBER 11am

10/10 is World Mental Health Day. The overall objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues.

Meditation is a great way to focus on your mental health. Invite your team to participate in our free meditation session on Monday 10/10 11am.

Stretch At Your Desk

18th OCTOBER 11am

Join us for a free live stretch at your desk webinar on Tuesday 18th October at 11am.

15 minutes to get up and move. Encourage your team to do the same.

Bitter Vs Sweet

3rd NOVEMBER 11am

The notion of ‘Bitter Deficiency Syndrome’ puts forward that many of today’s contemporary diseases are linked to an imbalance of bitter vs sweet flavours. Learn how bitter foods can improve your health, and what strategies you can use to incorporate more bitter foods into your diet.